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Lake City is an opportunity to experience & express the fullness of Christ, as you explore your purpose & potential.
Click to find first steps for connecting to Life-Giving relationships and environments at Lake City.
Discover options to make a difference with Lake City & discover your purpose and the opportunities available to you here.
Click to find ways to feed your faith journey, through classes & activities.
Children are our next generation, so we put great importance on them. Click for info on Children’s Ministries at Lake City.
Youth and Young Adults are transitioning into adulthood, we are here to help make it a smooth transition. Click for more info.
Give safely through our planning center donation page. This is another way we worship here at Lake City.
What we believe
That the Bible is the inspired word of the One true God; that Jesus is God-in-the -flesh; that man was cut off from God’s life by sin & needed a savior to recover; that Jesus lived & died to reconnect us; and that happens when we trust what he did to be effective for us, surrendering to Him as our Lord & Savior. We believe that we can personally experience the increasing fullness of God in our lives as we submit to His lordship & accept the empowerment of His Spirit promised to all who believe & receive; that the power of God’s Spirit makes supernatural abilities & miracles available to believers today; That we are responsible to share the good news of salvation and will give an account for the life lived on this earth- with eternal punishment awaiting those who refuse Christ & eternal fulfillment awaiting those who follow Him. We believe that Christ will rapture His church and physically return to rule & reign in a new heaven & earth, forever. We believe baptism is the public declaration commanded by Christ of a spiritual conversion, and holy communion is every believers privilege.
Click on a picture for more information.

Gary Craft

Seth Henegar

Cheryl Woodrow