Passive No More
Prayer is so important. But, it should lead to action. In today’s message, Pastor Gary Craft talks about the importance of pushing through passivity in our lives. If you’d like to respond to the message, or reach out to us for any reason, please Click Here.

How He Loves Us
God loves us through tenderness, toughness, & truthfulness. Pastor Gary Craft explains how. If you’d like to respond to the message or reach out to us for any reason, please click HERE.

Happy Father’s Day
Dad is important. Pastor Gary Craft explains just how important in today’s message. Give it a listen, and if you’d like to respond, share a comment, request prayer, or reach us for any other reason, please click HERE.

Too Good Not To Open Up
On this Pentecost Sunday, it’s so important for us to open the door of our heart to what God wants to do in us. Pastor Gary explains how to do that. Get ready to receive what God has for you. And, if you’d like to reach us for any reason, please click HERE.

Getting Ready For An Outpouring
Imagine that the world’s most expensive liquid is going to be given away for free – worth far more than gold. And you can have as much of it as you want, but it’s a one-time only event. Plus, your cup is the same size as everyone else’s cup. How would you prepare for that outpouring? Pastor Gary Craft explains what kind of preparations must be made to get the most of what God is pouring out for you today. And, what He’s pouring out IS worth far more than gold. We hope you enjoy the message. And, if you’d like to reach us to respond to the message, submit a prayer request, or just learn more about us, please Click Here.

Passing The Baton
The relay race is a great look at how we should pass our knowledge and wisdom on to the next generation. It’d be a shame to have learned so much, and never pass it along. But, what does that look like? Pastor Gary Craft explains. And, if you’d like to reach us to respond to the message, or for any reason, please CLICK HERE.

Special Guest Joe McGee
Joe McGee is a national speaker who is sharing with us today about the importance of family. His humor has a way of helping land the message in a special way. Listen for yourself and see. If you’d like to reach out to us to respond to the message, or for any other reason, please click HERE.

Mother’s Day
This Mother’s Day, you hear from a Mother in our church. Her name is Pam Jergens. And, she’s seen a thing or two. As she recounts the miracles she’s witnessed, let it encourage your faith today, to believe for the big stuff & the little things, too. If you’d like to reach out to us for any reason, please click HERE.

Words can be empty. But when they are spoken with purpose, they can hold some weight. It’s only then that they can become delcarations. And, they can make a huge impact in your spiritual walk with Christ. Associate/Youth Pastor Seth Henegar explains. If you’d like to respond to this message, or reach out to us for any reason, please click HERE.

Lead Us Not Into Temptation
If we’re not aware of the potential cost for saying yes to temptation, we’re almost certainly a sitting duck to fall. So, how do you handle temptation? And, why is it so costly? Pastor Gary Craft shares insight from the Bible on how we are supposed to deal with it. If you’d like to talk with us further about the message, or for any other reason, please click HERE. Thank you. Have a blessed day.

Easter Sunday
Today, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and all that it means to us as His followers. What does it mean to you? If you’d like to answer that question or reach out to us with a prayer request, or for any reason, please click HERE.

Forgive Us As We Forgive Out Debtors
Forgiveness is a key, if not the key, for sustaining long-term, life-giving relationships. But, it’s something we all struggle with. Pastor Gary Craft explains just how important it should be in our lives.

Missions Sunday – Dr. Ronald Maddux
The great commission tells us to, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations…” (Matthew 28:19-20 NLT) Some people are called to go to the far-flung corners of the globe to share the Gospel. And, others find great fulfillment in sending resources to those missionaries to help them do their job well. Dr. Ronald Maddux talks a little more about this in today’s message. If you’d like to reach out to us for any reason, please click HERE.

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
A lifestyle that brings abundance is based on dependence on Christ. A dependence for what? Our daily bread. But, that means so much more than just food. Pastor Gary Craft explains. If you’d like to respond to the message or reach us for any reason, please click HERE.

Your Will Be Done
Most of us have wrestled with God’s will at some point in our lives. And, what exactly is His perfect will, anyway? Pastor Gary Craft explains in today’s message. If you’d like to reach out to respond to the message, or for any other reason, please follow click HERE.

Your Kingdom Come
The Lord’s Prayer contains some very valuable concepts that Jesus wants us to know. In this message, we break down the thought of “Your Kingdom Come.” What should that mean to us today? Pastor Gary Craft explains. If you’d like to respond to today’s message or reach us for any reason, please click HERE.

Hallowed Be Your Name
The Lord’s Prayer is a blueprint for life in so many ways. It speaks first about how we are supposed to communicate with God. We’ve learned that we are to see Him as our Father. But, the next line contains the word “hallowed.” What does it mean? Pastor Gary Craft explains how the meaning of that word really is God’s signature. We pray that today’s message touches your heart in a mighty way. If you’d like to reach out to us for any reason, please click HERE.

Bruce Headley
Today, Guest Speaker Bruce Headly with Convoy of Hope speaks about the importance of having a vision, and bolsters that message with wonderful stories of what his organization has done by following theirs. We pray you are touched by today’s message. If you’d like to reach out to us for any reason, click HERE.

Who’s Your Daddy?
Relationship plays an important role in how we interact with people. Pastor Gary Craft points out how our relationship with God affects the way we talk with Him. If you’d like to get in touch with us, for any reason, please follow this link: https://lakecityassembly.churchcenter.com/people/forms/162569 Thanks!

Riding The Coming Wave, Pt. 5
DTR (Defining the Relationship) is a huge part of romantinc love that can be applied to every part of your life. When you have identity, you can more fully fulfill your purpose. So, to whom, to what, and where do you belong? Pastor Gary Craft asks those questions today. We hope you are touched by the message. If you’d like to reach out to us for any reason, please click HERE.

Riding The Coming Wave, Pt. 4
Life is full of pain. In fact, it’s one of our greatest teachers. But, the only problem with pain is that… it hurts. So, how do you deal with it? That’s what Pastor Gary Craft is talking about today on this 4th installment of his sermon series, Riding the Coming Wave. If you’d like to reach out to us to respond to the message, submit a prayer request, or for any other reason, please follow this link: https://lakecityassembly.churchcenter.com/people/forms/162569 God bless you. And, thank you for listening.

Riding The Coming Wave, Pt. 3
If you look at life as the open sea, and all of your circumstances and situations as the sea’s ebb and flow, sending crashing waves to shore, your ability to surf sure comes in handy. So, to help you surf the waves of life, Pastor Gary Craft has a few tips. And, this week’s tip is to surrender to a lifestyle of Spirit-directed action. He explains in this week’s message. If you’d like to reach out to us to respond to the message, to submit a prayer request, or for any other reason, please follow this link: https://lakecityassembly.churchcenter.com/people/forms/162569

Next Level
What does it take to reach the next level? That’s an open-ended question, right? It kinda depends on what you’re wanting to excel in. But what’s fundamenally true, no matter the platform, is being free to move forward. But, we weigh ourselves down so often with things we should let go of. That’s what Pastor Seth Henegar is talking about in this week’s message. Give it a listen, and if you’d like to respond, or reach out to us in any way, please follow this link: https://lakecityassembly.churchcenter.com/people/forms/162569

Riding the Coming Wave, Pt. 2
While surfing is not a team sport, it does take a coach, a spotter on the shore, someone to build the surfboard, and a few other people in the mix to make it a successful endeavor. When you relate that to life, it makes sense, because though you are an individual, it takes your cooperation with others to ride the “waves” most effectively. And, though these relationships with others can be very strained sometimes, they are so important to your success. Pastor Gary Craft explains.

Riding The Coming Wave, Pt. 1
For surfers, there’s no greater rush than riding a wave. The higher & bigger, the better. Comparatively, life has its fair share of waves that rise and fall, some good, some bad. The problem is, we’re not all surfers. But, there are a few tips and tricks on how to ride the waves well. Pastor Gary Craft explains a few in this first part of his new series. We hope you’re touched by today’s message. If you’d like to reach out to us for any reason, please click HERE.

A Fresh Start
Though it’s technically just another day, it is a day for us to consider a reset. Most of us set up New Year’s resolutions, but they usually end up in the ditch in as little as a month. Pastor Gary Craft explains how this year’s reset can be different. It can truly be a fresh start. If you’d like to reach out to us for any reason, please click Here.

Now What?
When Jesus comes into our life, there has to be an intersection in our timeline that changes our direction. If you’ve ever seen “Back To The Future” you know how this works. Each choice changes the future. Jesus does that for us, in the best way possible. Listen as Associate Pastor Seth Henegar explains. And, if you’d like to reach out to us for any reason, please click HERE.

The Moment of Vision
Two people got to see something in their lifetime that most of their peers never got to. Simeon & Anna were holding out hope, waiting on a promise, and God gave it to them! Pastor Gary Craft explains how, just like them, we have a part to play in the ultimate vision of the Savior. If you’d like to respond to today’s message or reach out for any reason, please click HERE.

The Moment of Faith
Have you ever encountered something that took your focus completely off of what you were doing and demanded your full attention? That’s what happened to some shepherds one night. The rest of the story is the greatest story ever told. This Christmas season, we’re taking a deeper look at all the moments that made the first Christmas so special. We pray you are touched by today’s message. And, if you’d like to respond to the message, ask for prayer, or get to know us better, please click HERE.

The Moment of Purpose
When thinking of the Christmas story, it is very evident that Mary had a purpose. She had a role to play. And, she was willing to play it, no matter what. We can gain a lot of perspective from her atitude. Pastor Gary Craft explains. If you’d like to reach out to us to respond to the message, submit a prayer request, or learn more about us, please click HERE.

The Moments of Christmas, Pt. 1
What is it about Christmas that we love so much? The answer to that question is a little deeper than you might think. Pastor Gary Craft explains. If you’d live to learn more about us, respond to the message, or submit a prayer request, please click HERE.

Sometimes we can find ourselves focusing on the wrong things. And, doing that generates dissatisfaction and ingrattitude. Inadvertently, we can underappreciate God’s blessings in our lives. So, how can we keep ourselves from doing that? Pastor Gary Craft has some answers for us in today’s message. If you’d like to reach us for any reason, please click HERE.

Changing Your World
What does it take to change your world? Associate Pastor Seth Henegar uses Moses, and all of his hangups, as an example of how God can use anyone to change their world. Feel free to reach out to us, for any reason, by clicking HERE.

Warfare, Pt. 2
How can we identify that something spiritual is going on in any situation? Pastor Gary answers that question by exposing 3 fingerprints of the enemy. We pray you are blessed by today’s message. If you’d like to reach us for any reason, please click HERE.

Warfare, Pt. 1
What does spiritual warfare look like? Pastor Gary Craft has an answer for that question. And, chances are, it’s a little more subtle than you realize. We hope you are blessed by today’s message, and feel free to reach out to us, HERE.

Worship, Pt. 3
We should worship with our whole being. But, what does that look like? Pastor Gary Craft explains. If you’d like to reach out to us to learn more about us, respond to the message, or submit a prayer request, please click HERE.

Worship, Pt. 2
Giving is an amazing way to worship. And, though this topic gets a bad rap, it’s actually a very practical way to show where your trust is. Pastor Gary Craft explains.

Worship, Pt. 1
The wow of God should always lead to worship. But, what is worship? Pastor Gary explains in today’s message. If you’d like to reach out to us to learn more about us, submit a prayer request, respond to the message, or for any other reason, please click HERE.

Wonder, Pt. 3
Does God still do miracles today? Pastor Gary answers that question and challenges you to pray big prayers. If you’d like to reach out to us for any reason, please click HERE.

Wonder, Pt. 2
Does what Jesus did wow you? Or, has it become less impressive over the years? Let’s visit that thought & see how it can help fuel our spiritual journey. If you’d like to reach out to respond to the message, get to know us, or submit a prayer request, please click HERE.

Wonder, Pt. 1
Wonder – being overtaken by the awesomeness of something, or more importantly, someone. Pastor Gary Craft talks about wonder and how it should be a big part of our spiritual lives. Has the wonder worn dull for you? He’ll tell you how to bring the shine back.

At the State Park
It’s nice to get outside! That’s exactly where we had church today. We were at Lake Guntersville State Park in the Beach Pavilion, sharing our faith openly. There’s a lot to be said about that. Pastor Gary Craft explains why it’s so important for all of us to be outside the safe litte cocoon we call the church building.

Spiritual Growth, Pt. 2
“We will not reach our God-given potential until we meet challenges that are bigger than we are.” Within that quote are some inherent emotions that we don’t like to encounter. Let’s face it, facing challenges of that scale is never fun. But with God’s help, it’s worth it! Pastor Gary Craft explains.

Everybody Has A Story
Eddie Massengill is the leader of our Men’s Ministry. And, he has an amazing testimony! Overcoming addiction is easier when you have help. Listen as he shares his story.

Darrin English
“Emptiness is not a sign of God’s disfavor or punishment on your life. Emptiness is an invitation to come to the well…” Evangelist Darrin English has a lot to say about the emotions we feel as Christians and how we can better understand them.

Spiritual Growth, Pt. 1
Though we stop growing up at a certain point, physically, we should always be growing spiritually. We have a huge part to play in that. Pastor Gary Craft explains in this week’s message. If you’d like to reach out to us or have us pray for you for any need, please click HERE.

40 Years Strong, Into God’s Next
Today, we celebrate 40 years of ministry, serving out community right here in Guntersville, AL. We take a look at the past & prepare for an amazing future. Guest Speaker Ken Draughon brings the message about God’s next. Be blessed by this inspired message.
On A Mission
You know, we’re all on a mission. Pastor Gary Craft explains what our mission should be, as we follow Christ. Invite the Holy Spirit to talk to your heart through this teaching and see what He reveals to you about your mission, and how you can be even more effective as you walk it out. If you’d like to respond to today’s message or have us join you in prayer for anything, please click Here.
Blessed Are The Persecuted
Jesus himself talked about persecution in the Gospels. But, why would he say, “Blessed Are The Persecuted?” Pastor Gary Craft unwraps the mystery of those words in today’s message. If you would like to respond to today’s message or have any comments, concerns, or prayer requests please reach out to us by clicking HERE.
Blessed Are The Peacemakers
Peace is a much-needed commodity today. So, how do you make it? That’s an excellent question. Pastor Gary has the answer for you. If you’d like to learn more about us, respond to the message, or submit a prayer request please click HERE.
Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
A pure heart… what does that even mean? Pastor Gary Craft answers that question. Words like sincere, integrated, self-examining, and undivided come into play. But, just like pure drinking water is desirable to us, a pure heart is desirable to God. And, it is so worth the effort to please Him.
Everyday, you are painting a picture on someone’s soul with what you do or don’t do, with who you are or are not, by what you say or don’t say. And, that faint impression CAN have a lasting impact on someone’s life. Pastor Gary explains the importance of this from the perspective of a Father. If you would like to respond to today’s message or submit a prayer request, please click HERE.
Becoming A Champion
So many people talk about the Bible story of David & Goliath. But, have you ever really studied it out? There is a lot that happened behind the scenes that made David a champion. Listen as Pastor Seth Henegar explains. And, if you’d like to respond to the message or submit a prayer request, please click HERE.
Hunger & Thirst
Believe it or not, appetite has a lot to do with our spiritual lives. Pastor Gary will highlight the importance of hunger & thirst and give us ways to foster them in our hearts today. If we haven’t met you yet, please click HERE to connect with us. And, if you’d like to respond to the message or submit a prayer request, please click HERE. Thanks for being here.
Blessed Are The Meek
What exactly does meek mean? Pastor Gary will answer that question and tell you what the Bible has to say about it. We are so glad you’re here. Please connect with us by clicking HERE. And, if you’d like to submit your prayer requests or respond to the message, click HERE. Please share the broadcast with your friends & family. Thank you.
Mother’s Day
As we celebrate Motherhood and all its aspects that are universal, relatable, & real, Pastor Gary looks at the mother of our savior, showcasing how she must have felt to be raising the One who would change everything. If we’ve never had the pleasure of meeting you, please click HERE. And, if you would like to respond to today’s message, or have a prayer request of any kind, please click HERE.
Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
Could there be blessing in mourning? Pastor Gary answers that question, reminding us that Jesus cried real tears. He’ll explain what that means to us & how we can learn from it. If you’d like to respond to today’s message or have a prayer request, please click HERE. If you’d like to just say hi or learn more about us, click HERE.
Poor In Spirit – #1 Principle of Living in the Kingdom
Recently it was reported that Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, passed away at the age of 99. But, many people don’t know the story of how he came to be a member of the royal family of Britain. Pastor Gary Craft uses his story to relate how we find our place in the Kingdom of Christ. If you have any prayer requests or comments, please click HERE.
Special Guests Greg & Sandy Mundis
Today, we are so happy to welcome Greg & his Wife Sandy to share with us about the experience they’ve had over the past year. They have an amazing testimony of how God worked a miracle, bringing them through COVID, despite the doctors’ worst reports. It is the power of prayer that brought them through. And, they want to tell you about it. If you’d like to experience the one who brought them through or you would like for us to pray for you, please click HERE.
Today, we welcome Missionary Joil Marbut & his family to Lake City, as we focus on missions, to tell us what is going on in the jungles of Ecuador & how we can get involved. Listen as he shares the heart of Jesus, through the stories of his ministry in the area. If you’d like to support our missions ministry, please click HERE.
THIS Changes Everything
Welcome to our Resurrection Celebration! We’re glad you’re here. Today, Pastor Gary Craft explains how Jesus truly changes everything. Now, if we’ve never met before, please click HERE. We’d love to get to know you. And, if you’d like to respond to the message and/or submit a prayer request, please click HERE. Thanks for being here!
Worship Isn’t Wasted
What really is worship? Is it just when we sing? Pastor Gary answers that question & more in today’s message. If you’d like to respond to today’s message or have any prayer requests, please click HERE.
Truth About Designs For Gender & Sexuality
With so much going on in our culture today, dealing with these deeply personal topics, what does God say about them? Pastor Gary Craft answers that question. If you would like to respond to today’s message or have any comments, concerns, or prayer requests, please click HERE.
Cancel Culture, Pt. 2
“Cancel Culture” is a term being used in normal conversation in our society these days. So, what does it mean exactly? Pastor Gary Craft explains in this week’s message. If you’d like to respond to today’s message or have a prayer request you’d like for us to pray for, please click HERE.
Overcoming Opposition: Finding Peace in the Pandemic
Our special guests today, Ron & Susanne Cox, currently minister in churches, leadership seminars, marriage encounters, and women’s conferences around the country. Together, they founded Legacy of Purpose. Susanne has a timely message for us all, on how we can find peace in the middle of the chaos. Listen as she shares God’s heart.
Stronger Together
Connection with others can be risky. It takes a lot to put yourself out there. But it’s so worth it, because we really are stronger together. Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Steps of Love
How do you show & receive love like Jesus? There are a few steps you can take to live it out. Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Relationship Status
There comes a time when you have to define your relationship. Knowing where you are can help you determine where you want to be and take the proper steps to get there. Pastor Seth Henegar shares that in today’s message.
Special Guest Johnny Jernigan
Special Guest Johnny Jernigan has an amazing message today that leads you onto a pathway to true breakthrough. Listen as he relates real life stories to the message to bring it to life. If you’d like to respond to today’s message or would like prayer for anything, please click HERE.
Fresh Start -Following Jesus, Pt. 4 – The Great Commission
When you follow Jesus, you have to know Him, follow his lead & obey His commands. This one is so important. What have you heard about the Great Commission? Pastor Gary Craft is talking about that in today’s message.
Fresh Start – Follow Jesus, Pt 3
Are you looking at 2021 as a new slate? Well, the best chance for a fresh start in this new year, is by following Jesus. And, in this 3rd message in his series, Pastor Gary emphasizes the importance of doing what Jesus does. Listen as he explains.
Fresh Start – Follow Jesus, Pt. 2
It’s been a tough week, but you made it through, and that’s worth celebrating! So, how do we move forward? The best way to do that is by living our best life, following Jesus. Pastor Gary Craft talks about that in his message today. We pray God touches your heart today in a mighty way!
Fresh Start – Follow Christ
2021 is a chance at a fresh start. Have you made any resolutions yet? Pastor Gary asks that question and challenges you to do 2 things to start your year off right. Enjoy the message!
Is Hindsight 20/20?
It’s customary to sit back and reflect on the previous year, as it comes to an end, and contemplate what you could have, would have, or should have done differently. It’s a learning thing, to make your next year even better. So, what did you learn about yourself in 2020? Pastor Gary Craft asks that question and points out a few principles that were highlighted throughout the year.
Joy With Skin On
As we celebrate the coming of Christ this week, we need to remember that He really was Joy with skin on. Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Peace With Skin On
There was a little boy whose mother had recently passed away. So, it was just him and Dad in the house. One night, as they were both asleep in their separate beds, a thunderstorm came. Awakened by the claps of thunder, the boy got into bed with Dad. Dad explained that Jesus was just as much in his son’s bed as in his own, but the little boy responded, “Yeah, but I need Jesus with skin on.” Pastor Gary Craft brings a Christmas message from that perspective.
Hope With Skin On
There’s a lot that led up to Jesus being born. People had been looking forward to his coming for hundreds of years. He was their Hope with skin on. And, He’s that for us today. Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Are You The One?
Either we believe God is who He says he is, or we don’t. There is no in-between. And when we make the decision to believe him, we must not fall away, no matter the circumstances surrounding us. Associate Pastor Seth Henegar explains.
Should We Be Thankful For 2020?
With everything we’ve all dealt with this year, is there anything to be thankful for about 2020? Pastor Gary answers that question in this week’s message.
Cleaning Up Is Needed
Today, Pastor Gary explains that it’s so important to let the Holy Spirit have His way in our lives, searching our heart and helping us know what’s got to go. As we work together with Him, we become better representatives of Christ.
How To Live Godly In A Wicked World, Pt. 6 – Hope
It’s time that we nail it down in all of our hearts, Jesus is our hope! Period! Because, where our hope is determines our sense of security and our progress into our future. Pastor Gary Craft explains.
How To Live Godly in a Wicked World, Pt. 5 – Between The LionsHow To Live Godly in a Wicked World, Pt. 5 – Between The Lions
There was a consistency to Daniel that everyone noticed – his coworkers, his friends, his boss. It’s very inspiring and a pattern we should all strive for. Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Fiery Furnace – How To Live Godly In A Wicked World, Pt. 4
We’ve got to learn to lean on Jesus when we’re in the furnace. Just like Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego, we too can come out of the fire not smelling like smoke, but smelling like the sweet aroma of God’s presence. And, we can come out better than when we went in. Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Phoenix Rising
God wants to take the ashes of your life – the failures, imperfections, the things you’re not so proud of, and the thing that was meant to kill you as a Christian, and He wants to use it for His glory, His purpose, and His dream for your life. Pastor Seth Henegar explains.
How To Live Godly in a Wicked World, Pt. 3
Sometimes, there is no plan B. For instance, could you imagine being asked to not only interpret someone’s dream, but to tell them what the dream was – and if you got it wrong, you would lose your life? No one on earth could do that alone! But, that’s when Daniel and his 3 friends called on God for the answer. And, they got it. Just like them, we encounter things that have to have a God-Answer. Pastor Gary Craft explains.
How To Live Godly in a Wicked World, Pt. 2
How do you stand for truth in the middle of chaos? That’s exactly what Daniel did. Pastor Gary explains how we can follow his example today, in our own culture.
Living It Out
What does it mean to live for Jesus? Is it just a list of rules to follow? We have the answers.
How To Live Godly In A Wicked World
So, what is the secret to living Godly nowadays? There is a lot of advice for that found in the story of Jonah & the whale. Pastor Gary explains how we can apply that story to our own lives.
The Turnaround
When the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of the change, it’s time to turn. Evangelist Joe Phillips explains that turning can be a great thing.
Name Your Giant, Claim Your Promise
Sometimes, to claim a promise that God has given you, you’ve got to deal with some giants. The cool thing is, though, that God promises you the victory as long as you stay obedient to Him. Pastor Gary explains.
Stretch It Out
COVID-19, protests, riots… there is a lot happening in our world right now. But, God wants to stretch the potential of the season we are in. And, we can play a huge part in that. Pastor Gary Craft explains.
The Power of Praise
The airwaves are filled with words, written & spoken, that have been so hyped lately. And, if we aren’t careful they’ll cause us just to shut our ears. But, God’ words spoken are different. Pastor Gary explores the power of the praise of God in today’s message.
What do people really mean when they say, “don’t judge me?” Pastors Gary & Seth explain.
We’re feeling a lot of pressure lately. And, while it’s nothing new, it sure does feel overwhelming. Guest Speaker Nate Craft has something to say about that.
All In. No Turning Back.
God wants our heart, our whole heart. And, He deserves it. It’s only then that we can truly make an impact. Pastor Gary Craft explains.
You’ve Never Been This Way Before
That phrase sums up our current situation pretty well, doesn’t it? We’re challenged by a new set of circumstances that we’ve never faced before. But, it’s going to be okay. Pastor Gary Craft explains that there is 1 thing that will never change. And, you can put your trust in Him, not just for the present, but even for the future.
Unstoppable God
Our God is unstoppable. Listen as Guest Speaker Bruce Headley with Convoy of Hope shares the stories of how God has provided, even in the middle of this pandemic, for every child their ministry has committed to feed. Drawing inspiration from Psalm 91 & Jesus feeding the 5,000, Bruce emphasizes the importance of giving what you have, “even if it ain’t much.”
The Beauty of Community
God’s love is wide enough to reach everyone. Sometimes we forget that, and it takes the stretching of our hearts for us to fully realize it. God provides family for everybody. Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Bad news or good news – which do you want to hear first? To fully realize your situation, you have to hear both. It’s only by hearing the bad news that you can really appreciate the good news. Pastor Gary Craft shares both with you today. Be sure to fill out a connect card, CLICK HERE.
True Treasure
What would you grab if your house was on fire? What would be so precious, so irreplaceable that if you were going to risk your life for anything but your family’s own welfare, you would grab it as you ran out the door for your life? Pastor Gary explains what the true treasure is.
It Is
The one thing promised in this life is struggle. But, the struggle is worth it. Look at our country – without a struggle, the United States wouldn’t even exist. Associate Pastor Seth Henegar talks about the struggles we all face & why we should keep up the good fight, learning as we go.
Label Less
Labels are tricky things. They’re great for letting us know what things are. But, when they are applied to us, they have a tendency of painting us in a corner. Associate Pastor Seth Henegar explains.
Hey Coach!
This Father’s Day message is sure to inspire the dads, but is also so relevant to all of us. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft shares, “Hey Coach!”
Spirit of Generosity
When you hear the phrase Spirit of Generosity, what do you think about? Do you see dollar signs? Generosity is so much more than that. Pastor Gary Craft explains in this morning’s message.
The Bridge Builder
Anyone can build walls. But, it takes skill, persistence & cooperation to build a bridge. Pastor Gary shares about the greatest Bridge Builder – the Holy Spirit.
Go Juice
Have you ever felt so desperate about something that nothing else mattered, except trying to deal with the issue? You act with urgency. Jesus talked about that urgency with His disciples and he wants us to act with urgency as well. Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Tackling Transitions
Change can be hard. But, if we follow a few steps, it can be a smooth transition. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains.
A Basketful
We celebrate moms today by focusing on a really great one found in the Bible. Her name was Jochebed. And, it took amazing trust for her to send her son Moses down a river in a basket. But if she hadn’t done it, my how our history would be different!
Recovering From Failure
Have you ever had a crash? We all have, right? Restoration will be expensive, but it’s worth it, & so are you! Pastor Gary Craft explains in today’s message.
Breakfast On The Beach
Whispers of reopening kick off our imaginations. Are the sunny skies, warm sand & gentle waves of the beach calling your name? Jesus invites you to meet him for breakfast on the beach. Pastor Gary explains.
What Now
Reports are saying that the Coronavirus is almost over. That means we’ll be back to work. Most of us have already gotten, or will soon get a government stimulus check. But, that’s not the best news. Listen as Pastor Gary explains the best news ever!
Easter 2020
The life, death & resurrection of Jesus changes everything for you and me. Listen as Pastor GaryCraft explains.
This Is Your Moment
You are not alone! We dont’ know how long this will last or how much it could cost each one of us. But, we will get through this – better together than apart! If you will, let’s look at this pandemic as a package. From the outside, this package looks nasty. But, on the inside, there can be many positive things. In fact, opportunity is embedded in it. This is a time to re-enforce your dependence on Jesus, while letting Him lead you through this, and showing compassion to your community. Listen as Pastor Gary explains.
I Can Do All Things
In the middle of this Coronavirus Crisis, there is a lot of confusion, fear & an overwhelming feeling of uncertainty. But, if we look back and remember all those times God saw us through our trials & hard times, we can know that He’ll bring us through this one. Listen as Pastor Gary draws on the words of Paul, as he was writing to the churches from his jail cell – modeling for us how we should be responding to this current situation. Be blessed!
Maximize The Moment
Since our country has been hit so hard by the COVID-19 Pandemic, we need a reminder of how good and faithful our God is. Pastor Gary Craft uses Psalm 91 to do that. He addresses the fear that we may be feeling & the uncertainty that plagues our minds. Listen and be inspired to Maximize The Moment.
THE MOON – The very thing that has such influence over us and our planet – controlling the tides, lighting the night sky and so much more – can teach us a thing or 2 about influence. It has all this amazing power, yet only ever reflects the sun. Let Pastor Gary Craft paint this picture in a spiritual context, and how it relates to us.
We All Have A Place in the Body of Christ
Pastor Gary Craft explains that the Body of Christ is God’s expression in this world today, using the story of the valley of dry bones. We are all called to be producers and a participators in this body. In fact, we’ll never experience all God has for our lives until we find the place where we fit in the body.
Relationship Keys, Pt. 3
Relationships – at some point, we all flip the wrong switch and end up having some conflict, at some level. In-fact, the closer the relationship, the more inevitable conflict is. How do you handle it? Listen as Pastor Gary tackles the topic from a Biblical perspective.
Relationship Keys, Pt. 2
When we are convicted by the Spirit that we’re sinners and we’re convinced we need a savior, and we discover that Jesus is that savior that we need, a response is required. Pastor Gary asks what kind of response Jesus desires and deserves from us.
Relationship Keys, Pt. 1
If you were tested by the loving standard the Bible sets for us, would you be proud of your grade? Listen as Pastor Gary shares prinicples about the way that Jesus loves. If we can repeat his example, we can all be proud of our grade!
Between the Moments
Life is great on the mountaintops, but there’s a valley between them of just plain, basic, ordinary life. Pastor explains that between those moments, we’ve got a lot of living and walking in faith and claiming the promises and being faithful and consistent in pursuing God to do.
Go The Distance
Ron Cox explains that for us to see the best God has for us, we have to Go The Distance!
God Will Work It Out
Suzanne Cox gives a powerful testimony to the power of God’s work in her life. Listen and be inspired by this amazing story.
Lessons From a Life of Faith
When Jesus was baptized by John, the Holy Spirit descended like a dove and the Father said, “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.” Have you ever noticed the 1st thing the devil attacked when Jesus went to the wilderness, after this? His identity! He said, “If you really are the son of God.” So, if the devil attacked Jesus that way, you better know he’ll attack you the same way. Listen as Pastor Gary craft uses the identity of Abram (Abraham) and Sarah (Sarai) to explain how knowing what the Father says of you, means everything!
The Crossroads
2020 is packed with potential and promise. But it can turn out to be, “just another year.” But, Pastor Gary Craft explains how applying principles from Abraham’s 25 year-long epic journey can help you keep that from happening.
Getting Over It
The end of the year is a great time to reflect on the good and, yes, even the bad. But, how do you get over the bad? How do you overcome the baggage from it that tries to follow you – like unforgiveness? Pastor Seth Henegar explains how.
Christmas in Their Shoes, Pt. 4
As we wrap up our Christmas series, Pastor Gary Craft asks the question, “Who is on your throne?” In Jesus’ early days, it was Herod. But, the wise men knew who the true King was.
Christmas in Their Shoes, Pt. 3
Have you ever really learned the lesson of , “you can’t judge a book by its cover?” That’s what we find when Father God chose to spread the word of Jesus birth through shepherds – common, ordinary, lowly people. Pastor Gary Craft explains that the activity of heaven brings peace on Earth, but appearances can be a problem.
Christmas in Their Shoes, Pt. 2
It was not a very convenient time to have to travel to Jeruslem for the census. Mary was pregnant, it was a long journey & there was no place to stay. Circumstances pushed Joseph right to where God wanted him. Pastor Gary Craft explains that God’s plans aren’t always convenient, but they’re always best, and they’re always worth it!
Christmas in Their Shoes
Could you imagine actually being one of the real Christmas story characters? Pastor Gary Craft takes you through some of the roles, letting you see the story through their eyes, during this sermon series. Today, he explores the differences between Zechariah & Mary’s responses to the great news delivered by angels to them & how that can affect the miraculous in our lives.
Let’s Party! Pt. 4
The ultimate celbration is talked about in the book of Revelation – the marriage supper of the Lamb. But, to attend that celebration, you have to RSVP. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Let’s Party! Pt. 3
On this, the 3rd week of our message series, Pastor Gary Craft explains that God’s goodness & mercy are worth celebrating. We pray that you’re touched by the message. Thanks for checking out Lake City!
Let’s Party! Pt. 2
One of the most amazing things about our God is that He knew us – every action, every word, every thought, every misake – before He called us His, yet He still did it! He rejoices over us. Let Pastor Gary Craft tell you why.
Let’s Party! Pt. 1
Of all the people in the world, as believers we have a reason to celebrate! Pastor Gary Craft explains that church should be a celebration, not a dreaded doctor’s visit. We should be the most joyful people in the world! The question is when, why and what do we celebrate?
Alabama Teen Challenge
We were so honored to have the ladies of Teen Challenge of Alabama with us. They shared their powerful testimonies. There is no doubt that Jesus is living big on the inside of them.
The Power of One, Pt. 3
We can never experience the fullness of Jesus, like He has ordained and bought for us with His blood, without relationships within the body of Christ. To do that takes walking in humility and mutual love. But, there’s one more element that’s really important for the Church to experience and express His fullness in our community. It’s called vision, or mission. Pastor Gary Craft explains.
The Power of One, Pt. 2
How we handle situations says a lot about our character. Are we showing the world the love of Jesus? Pastor Gary Craft challenges us with today’s message.
The Power of One, Pt. 1
A human chain is one of the most inspiring things to witness. It’s a group of complete strangers coming together for the common good – to rescue someone. The many become 1 and accomplish so much more together. We want you to experience the power of One here at Lake City. So, no matter what you need rescued from, your rescue team is right here. Be inspired by this message from Pastor Gary Craft!
What is spiritual desperation, or the point it takes for us to not be satisfied with where we are anymore? Youth Pastor Seth Henegar defines it and shares some though provoking truths of how to let it propel you forward.
Soul Tsunami Follow Up
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, high atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. We hope to see you soon and we welcome you to check out our messages live on Facebook, Sunday mornings.
Soul Tsunami
We are in the last days, and that means that things are going to get bad. But, that doesn’t mean that we need to isolate ourselves. Instead, we need to insulate ourselves against it, knowing that God is not caught off guard by anything. And, He is going to see us through. Pastor Gary Craft explains.
The Follow Up to The Struggle is Real, Pt. 6 Spiritual Forces
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, high atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. We hope to see you soon and we welcome you to check out our messages live on Facebook, Sunday mornings.
The Struggle is Real, Pt. 6 Spiritual Forces
There is a lot going on behind the scenes that you may not be aware of. We have an enemy, with an army, trying to break us down. Pastor Gary Craft explains how to stay strong in the middle of the battle.
The Struggle is Real, Pt. 5 Habits & Addictions
Addictions aren’t always to terrible, or even sinful things. They are dependencies that draw our attention from what really matters. In some instances, the addiction is so severe that it trumps everything else in our lives. Pastor Gary Craft explains how to beat them.
Followup to The Struggle is Real, Pt. 4 Inadequacy
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, high atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. We hope to see you soon and we welcome you to check out our messages live on Facebook, Sunday mornings.
The The Struggle is Real, Pt. 4 Inadequacy
We have 2 choices when we feel like we don’t measure up: 1 run from every circumstance we’re not feeling up to or 2 find the resources neede to handle it. Pastor Gary Craft talks about those choices, discusses which one to choose and even brings out some inspirational thoughts in the middle of it.
Followup to The Struggle Is Real, Pt. 3
The Struggle is Real, Pt. 3 – Rejection
The Struggle is Real, Pt. 2
Shame, Guilt, Embarrasment, Condemnation – What’s the difference between them? Pastor Gary Craft explains that difference, as he invites the Holy Spirit to make this message real to you – encouraging you to move forward and not to be paralyzed by them.
The point from which the earthquake originates is called the Epicenter. We are called to be the spiritual epicenter of this world. With all the hurts and hangups we’ve experienced individually, it’s hard to see that. But, listen as Pastor Seth Henegar explains that it’s so important to assume our God-given role together.
Followup to The Struggle Is Real
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, high atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. We hope to see you soon.
The Struggle Is Real
We all deal with it – pain. In fact, some call it a gift because it lets you know something is wrong. How do you process pain? Listen as Pastor Gary Craft talks about it.
Special Guest Lee McBride
Family Friendly Comedian & Evangelist Lee McBride speaks on the responsibilities we take on ourselves that we should give to God. Listen as he weaves humor and biblical truths into a beautiful picture of surrender to God.
Followup to Life & Death
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, high atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. This week, he speaks on guest speaker Nate Craft’s message. We hope to see you soon!
Life & Death
What are we without the breath of God? We’re dead. That applies to so many parts of our lives, not just our physical bodies. Sometimes, we can become complacent and our churches can die. Listen as guest speaker Nate Craft shares how we should be thriving by the breath of God.
Followup to Thankfulness
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, high atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. We hope to see you soon!
You’ve heard of Christmas in July, but how about Thanksgiving in July? Today, Pastor Gary Craft proposes that, explaining that to truly be thankful, we need to focus on the unmerited favor of God. Through it, He has given us so many reasons to be thankful. Are you living your life in a way to show Him that your grateful? We hope to see you soon here at Lake City!
Followup to True Freedom
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, high atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. We hope to see you soon!
True Freedom
The thing about freedom is, the only way to have it in its purest form is through total surrender to God. When you are truly free, you can allow love to direct every action and reaction. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Special guest and founding Pastor Stan Broadus shares with us his vision of Revival, looking back at the great spiritual awakenings of the past and readying the church for another great move of God. Thank you for listening. If you have any questions or would like more information about Lake City Assembly of God, please call us at 256-582-8509. You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google Play Music & Apple Podcast by searching LakeCityGville.
Father’s Day Followup
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. We hope to see you soon!
Father’s Day
No matter the experience you’ve had with your dad – good, bad or indifferent – there is only 1 perfect Father. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains that everything we need is in Him & every trait & characteristic earthly fathers should pass along to their children are found in Him.
Followup to Pentecost
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, high atop the Lake City Assembly of God Sanctuary, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. If you have any questions or comments, please get them to us using the contact button at the bottom of the page. We hope to see you Sunday morning at 10:30.
The gift of the Holy Spirit was given on the day of Pentecost. As we look at this, we need to understand that His role is to reveal Jesus to us. He is our comforter, our guide & He gives us power. So, how hungry are you for Him? Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains that hunger & thirst have a lot to do with how much Jesus you get to experience.
Following Jesus, Pt. 3
To be effective in the role God has for you, you need power. And, God knows that. He has made it available. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Followup to Following Jesus, Pt. 2
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. If you have any questions or comments, please get them to us using the contact button at the bottom of the page. We hope to see you Sunday morning at 10:30.
Following Jesus, Pt. 2
Following Jesus involves carrying something – not some piece of baggage, like you would take on a flight, but something a lot more important, something costly. Watch as Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Followup to Following Jesus, Pt. 1
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. If you have any questions or comments, please get them to us using the contact button at the bottom of the page. We hope to see you Sunday morning at 10:30.
Following Jesus, Pt. 1
What exactly does following Jesus mean? Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains that it’s not as easy as “following” someone on social media. There’s a lot more to it than that. If you have any questions or comments, please use the contact button at the bottom of the page to reach out to us. We hope to see you soon at Lake City!
Followup to Mother’s Day
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. We hope to see you soon!
Mother’s Day
Good mothers care for & comfort their children, offer wise advice & anticipate needs. Did you know that the characteristics of a great mother are all perfected through the person of Jesus? That’s right, he loves you even more than mom. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Followup to Excuses
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. Today, he talks about Evangelist Johnny Jernigan’s message from Sunday. If you have any questions or comments, please get them to us using the contact button at the bottom of the page. We hope to see you Sunday morning at 10:30.
Evangelist Johnny Jernigan talks about excuses in this thought-provoking message.
Followup to YES
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. If you have any questions or comments, please get them to us using the contact button at the bottom of the page. We hope to see you Sunday morning at 10:30.
The word YES is so important when it comes to our faith. Saying YES to Jesus is how we start this faith journey & it’s how we continue to grow. When we say YES in every area of our life to what He wants from us, there are no limits to our potential and effectiveness. We’d love to see you soon at Lake City!
The Resurrected Christ
Unlike the un-sealed tomb of King Tut, our Savior’s tomb didn’t stay sealed. He rose from the dead! And, the treasure that was found in that empty tomb is much more valuable than the all the precious metals and rare antiquities found in any king’s collection. We hope to see you soon at Lake City.
Followup to Responding to the Light
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. If you have any questions or comments, please get them to us using the contact button at the bottom of the page. We hope to see you Sunday morning at 10:30.
Responding To The Light
By relating it to the NY City Blackout of 1977, Pastor Gary Craft explains how dangerous darkness really is. But, there’s a light that can change it – it can overtake the darkness. Listen for more. If you have any questions or comments, please get them to us by using the contact button at the bottom of the page. We hope to see you soon.
Followup to How Could A Loving God Send Anyone To Hell?
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. If you have any questions or comments, please use the contact button at the bottom of the page.
How Could A Loving God Send Anyone To Hell?
In this 4th part of the “What’s Up With That, God?” series, Pastor Gary Craft preaches on the subject of Hell. It’s not some made up place. It’s real and it’s bad. But, no human has to go there. Listen for more. And, we hope to see you soon at Lake City Assembly of God.
Followup to How Could He Allow That?
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. If you have any questions or comments, please use the contact button at the bottom of the page.
Pt. 3 How Could He Allow That?
How could a loving God allow Hitler to happen? How could He allow any bad thing to happen to any good person? Pastor Gary Craft offers some ideas you may not have thought of, to help you understand why. If you have any comments or questions, please get them to us using the contact button at the bottom of the page. Be blessed! We hope to see you soon at Lake City!
Followup to What’s Up With That, God? Pt. 2 – The Cosmos
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. If you have any questions or comments, please use the contact button at the bottom of the page.
Pt. 2 – The Cosmos
When we engage in conversation with others who have different beliefs than us, in this case – when it comes to creationism vs. the big bang theory, we need to be able to give an explanation for what we believe. Science doesn’t disprove what we believe, rather it reinforces it. Be blessed by this teaching, and we hope to see you soon at Lake City. If you have any questions or comments, please use the contact button at the bottom of the page.
Followup to What’s Up With That, God? Pt.1 -The Bible
From the 88.5 JFM Studios, atop Lake City Assembly of God, Pastor Gary Craft likes to take a little time to further explain his message, answer any questions you might have about it & give a preview of the upcoming message. If you have any questions or comments, please use the contact button at the bottom of the page.
Pt. 1 The Bible
There are so many things that we don’t understand in this life. But, our faith shouldn’t be one of them. Pastor Gary Craft explains that, though some might think that the Bible is some ancient, old-fashoned, flawed book, it truly is the inspired word of God. It’s been proven time and time again that the Bible is true, especially since it is tied to human history. If you have any questions or comments, please email us. We hope to see you soon!
Followup to The Art Of War
Every week, Pastor Gary likes to sit down in the JFM Studios (on the second floor of the church) and do a facebook followup on the message from Sunday. It’s your opportunity to ask questions and learn more on the topic. If you’d like to check out this recording on Facebook Live, click right here. This recording is also available on Apple Podcast and Google Play Music. Please feel free to email us any questions you may have. We hope to see you on Sunday at 10:30am.
The Art of War
Using the story of King David’s early days in the Bible, Guest Speaker Nate Craft exlains how God’s abundant providence is displayed and how He uses the seemingly insignificant to change the world.
Followup To Seasons of the Soul
Every week, Pastor Gary likes to sit down in the JFM Studios (on the second floor of the church) and do a facebook followup on the message he preached on Sunday. It’s your opportunity to ask questions and learn more on the topic. If you’d like to check out this recording on Facebook Live, click right here. This recording is also available on Apple Podcast and Google Play Music. Please feel free to email us any questions you may have. We hope to see you on Sunday at 10:30am.
Seasons of the Soul
How are we supposed to respond to different times in our lives, like sowing & reaping, battle & victory or other life stages? Pastor Gary Craft explains how, using Ecclesiastes 3:1.
Followup to Grace & Truth
Pastor Gary Craft likes to sit down and discuss his message the week after, to have a chance to answer any of your questions and to give a little deeper explanation of the principles involved. If you have any questions, please use the contact form at the bottom of the page to get it to us. We hope to see you on Sunday at 10:30.
Grace & Truth – The Hinge of God’s Heart
Have you ever played rock, paper, scissors? You know that rock smashes scissors, paper covers rock & scissors cut paper. So, which one is the greatest? Listen as Pastor Gary Craft draws parallels to our spiritual life from this children’s game.
Followup to Love In The real World – Worth The Wait
Pastor Gary Craft likes to sit down and discuss his message the week after, to have a chance to answer any of your questions and to give a little deeper explanation of the principles involved. If you have any questions, please use the contact form at the bottom of the page to get it to us. We hope to see you on Sunday at 10:30.
Love In The Real World – Worth The Wait
Have you ever experienced the glass ketchup bottle? It takes so long to get the good stuff out. But, boy is the taste worth the wait! Here’s Pastor Gary Craft with a spiritual application hinged on that concept.
What If?
Youth Pastor Seth Henegar delivers a message that inspires you to look past the “limits” and see what you can do to reach your world.
Followup To Affect Your World – The Jesus Journey, Pt. 4
Pastor Gary Craft sits down to explain Sunday’s message a little more. He takes questions and provides insight that didn’t make it into the message on Sunday. He also gives us ways to apply the principles to our everyday life. If you have any questions, please ask.
Affect Your World – The Jesus Journey, Pt. 4
It is not only our responsibility, but our privilege to change our world for Christ. And we have the power of the Holy Spirit available to us, to do it radically! Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Followup to The Jesus Journey, Pt. 3: Grow To Match Your Mountain
On today’s followup, Pastor Gary discusses his latest Sermon, one of a multi-part series. He gives further explanation and shares the inspiration for the message – to help us to experience Christ’s fullness. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to us using the contact button at the bottom of the page.
The Jesus Journey, Pt. 3: Grow To Match Your Mountain
Pastor Gary Craft brings you inspiration and understanding that comes with this one phrase, “You’ve never been this way before.”
Followup To The Jesus Journey, Pr. 2: Bridge Building
On today’s followup, Pastor Gary discusses his latest Sermon, one of a multi-part series. He gives further explanation and shares the inspiration for the message – to help us to experience Christ’s fullness. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to us using the contact button at the bottom of the page.
The Jesus Journey Pt. 2: Bridge Building
“What church do you go to?” Have you ever been asked this question? There’s 1 thing fundamentally wrong with it. It should be, “What church do you belong to?” We all need to belong. That means we have to have relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ. And, while that means that there will be ups and downs, we have to develop trust in one another to do this Jesus Journey together.
Followup to The Jesus Journey: Glory To Go
On today’s followup, Pastor Gary discusses his latest Sermon, 1 of a multi-part series. He gives further explanation and shares the inspiration for the message – to help us to experience Christ’s fullness. We would love to see you soon.
The Jesus Journey Glory To-Go
In today’s message, Pastor Gary talks about the importance of God’s Glory. It’s something we can carry with us. It’s something that people can see. Find out what we mean . Click play!
What does it mean to be authentic? Listen as Youth Pastor Seth Henegar delivers a message on just that.
Christmas, The Movie: Elf
It’s one of the funniest Christmas movies around. Elf! Pastor Gary Craft draws some comparisons and contrasts from the blockbuster to our spiritual life. Take a listen.
A Christmas Carol Followup
Each week, Pastor Gary comes to the studios of 88.5 JFM (upstairs from the sanctuary) to do a Facebook Live Followup to his message. It’s an opportunity for you to ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of the principles in it. If you have any questions, please email us, and we will be sure to get back to you very soon.
A Christmas Carol
When you think of Ebeneezer Scrooge, what kinds of words come to mind? Yeah, negative and self-centered, right? With all of that negativity, wouldn’t you say he needed an intervention? Believe it or not, we all need an intervention. Let Pastor Gary Craft explain.
Home Alone Followup
Each week, Pastor Gary comes to the studios of 88.5 JFM (upstairs from the sanctuary) to do a Facebook Live Followup to his message. It’s an opportunity for you to ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of the principles in it. If you have any questions, please email us, and we will be sure to get back to you very soon.
Do You Feel Home Alone?
Many of us experience lonliness during this Christmas season, whether it’s from the loss of a loved on, the ending of a relationship, or not being connected like we should with our Heavenly Father. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains what to do if you’re feeling that way.
Facebook Followup to The Miracle on Your Street
Each week, Pastor Gary comes to the studios of 88.5 JFM (upstairs from the sanctuary) to do a Facebook Live Followup to his message. It’s an opportunity for you to ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of the principles in it. If you have any questions, please email us, and we will be sure to get back to you very soon.
The Miracle on Your Street
We serve a God who still does miracles! That’s something to be thankful for and to trust in. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft relates the miracles we should be believing for, to The Miracle on 34th Street.
Followup To Grace
Each week, Pastor Gary comes to the studios of 88.5 JFM (upstairs from the sanctuary) to do a Facebook Live Followup to his message. It’s an opportunity for you to ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of the principles in it. If you have any questions, please email us, and we will be sure to get back to you very soon.
Does the thought of your past make you depressed or keep you from moving forward with God? If so, you shouldn’t let it. As we move forward with God, through Jesus Christ, He gives us grace to keep moving forward. And, he gives us peace to overcome the depression and hopelessness that come with dwelling on our past. Watch as Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Followup To Lordship
Each week, Pastor Gary comes to the studios of 88.5 JFM (upstairs from the sanctuary) to do a Facebook Live Followup to his message. It’s an opportunity for you to ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of the principles in it. This can be viewed on Facebook by clicking HERE. If you have any questions, please email us on here or submit a question in the comment thread under the Facebook Live.
It’s a term that we use in our relationship with Christ. We make Him our Lord when we become a Christian. What exactly does that word, Lord, mean? Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Facebook Followup to Heart Full of Yes
Pastor Gary takes some time to sit down and do a Facebook Live so that people can ask any questions they might have, as well as to expand on his message from the previous Sunday. Here is the audio from that recording. Please email us if you have any questions you would like for him to answer.
Heart Full of Yes
We all have a love language. It’s the ways in which we feel loved, appreciated & fulfilled. Did you know that God has a love language? It is obedience. And, that’s not a bad thing. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Facebook Followup to Growing Through Adversity
Every week, Pastor Gary likes to sit down in the JFM Studios (on the second floor of the church) and do a facebook followup on the message he preached on Sunday. It’s your opportunity to ask questions and learn more on the topic. If you’d like to check out this recording on Facebook Live, click right here. This recording is also available on Apple Podcast and Google Play Music. Please feel free to email us any questions you may have. We hope to see you on Sunday at 10:30am.
Growing Through Adversity
Adversity is inevitable. And even though the situation we’re in may seem impossible, we can rejoice because we know that God will be with us through it all. There is life after adversity. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft shares this inspiring message.
Facebook Followup to Let’s Grow Team
Every week, Pastor Gary likes to sit down in the JFM Studios (on the second floor of the church) and do a facebook followup on the message he preached on Sunday. It’s your opportunity to ask questions and learn more on the topic. If you’d like to check out this recording on Facebook Live, click right here. This recording is also available on Apple Podcast and Google Play Music. Please feel free to email us any questions you may have. We hope to see you on Sunday at 10:30am.
Let’s Grow Team
We are called to grow. It is not an option. It develops our capacity and it gives God a consistent place to work. Because we are called to it, our enemy would have us unplug from God’s will and God’s call. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft delivers this powerful, challenging word!
Facebook Followup to What Are They Feeding That Child?
Every week, Pastor Gary likes to sit down in the JFM Studios (on the second floor of the church) and do a facebook followup on the message he preached on Sunday. It’s your opportunity to ask questions and learn more on the topic. If you’d like to check out this recording on Facebook Live, click right here. This recording, and all others, is also available on Apple Podcast and Google Play Music. Please feel free to email us any questions you may have. We hope to see you on Sunday at 10:30am.
What Are They Feeding That Child?
It is simple, what we feed grows – even our faith. Pastor Gary Craft shares the importance of feeding the right thing to your spirit, and how that is not only for your benefit, but also pleasing to God. Listen as he explains.
Facebook Followup to Outside Looking In
Pastor Gary Craft comes to the 88.5 JFM Studios to discuss his message with you and answer any questions you may have, with the Facebook Followup. It’s in video form on our Facebook Page and we record the audio, to bring it to you in a podcast form here on our website, on Apple Podcast and on Google Play Music. If you have any questions, please shoot us an email. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Outside Looking In
We all have an in-group and an out-group, whether we like it or not. The problem with this is the bias that comes with it. But, when we realize this, we can begin to bring the 2 together. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains. The video that was shown just before the message is here: https://skitguys.com/videos/karens-story-beauty
God is on the Move in Indonesia
Missionary Chris Duncan shares a message with us, hinged on the parable of the good Samaritan. Throughout his powerful message, he updates us on how things are going with his ministry in Indonesia.
Facebook Follow Up to 4 Reasons for Serious Praise
Every week, Pastor Gary Craft likes to sit down in the JFM studios and talk with you about that Sunday’s message. It’s a way to answer any questions and get to points he didn’t get to on Sunday. It’s done live on Facebook and recorded to put here and on Apple Podcasts and Google Play Music. Please email us any questions you might have. Enjoy the follow up!
4 Reasons for Serious Praise
Did you know that praise is not just singing to or about God? We can praise our God in many ways, and there are different reasons to praise Him. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains:
Facebook Follow-Up to Get Back Up
Every Monday, Pastor Gary makes it a priority to make himself available for any questions or further discussion anyone would like to have about his Sunday message. You can find the Facebook Live video of this follow-up by clicking HERE. And, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us or leave a comment there on the Facebook Live video comment thread.
Get Back Up
We may deal with those besetting sins that cause us to keep hitting the wall of defeat. And if we let him, the enemy will dominate our minds, telling us that we’ve messed up so bad we can’t be used by God and that there’s no hope for us. But, we have to remember that through Jesus, God gave us Grace to get back up and to move forward with Him and break free from the chains of slavery.
The Cure for A Love Killer
One thing that even those in the church are dealing with is lust. And, that’s according to research and statistics. It truly is a Love killer. But, as Pastor Gary Craft explains, there is a cure for it:
Facebook Followup to A Cure for A Joy Killer
We like to do a facebook live followup to the message. Here is Pastor Gary Craft, from the JFM studios, talking about his most recent message. If you’d like to see the video recording, please click HERE.
A Cure for A Joy Killer
What motivates us has a lot to say about who we are. Have you ever thought of it that way? And more importantly, what we spend our time and resources on says a lot about what kind of believer we are. Are we using our resources to enjoy the now? Are we using our resources to pour into others and build the Kingdom of God? Or, are we balancing the two? Listen as Pastor Gary Craft delivers this challenging message.
Special Guest Joe Phillips Pt. 2
Here is Joe Phillips with a very challenging message sure to make us all do a little soul searching. Listen below or watch by clicking here.
Special Guest Joe Phillips
We are so honored to have Joe Phillips with us, to deliver not just a Sunday Morning service, but also a special Evening service. Joe is a Christian communicator, comic, author and actor with a wide background in ministry. Listen as he delivers this amazing Sunday Morning message!
Facebook Follow-Up to When the Storm Won’t Stop
Pastor Gary comes up to the JFM studios every week to do a Facebook Live Followup to his message. This is a time to ask questions and get further understanding of the topic. Please, email us any questions you may have. Enjoy the Facebook Followup.
When the Storm Won’t Stop
What do you do when the storm is raging around you? How do you find peace? How do you find the calm? Listen as Pastor Gary Craft shares the secret in this message.
Facebook Follow Up to The Ceiling
Pastor Seth Henegar sat down in the JFM studios to discuss his message in greater detail. Here is the audio recording of that interview. Please shoot us any questions you may have via email. Or, if you’d like to see the video recording of it, please click HERE.
The Ceiling
Are you letting a ceiling limit your potential? Listen as Youth Pastor Seth Henegar helps you answer that question.
Facebook Followup To Making A Difference
Here is the audio recording from Pastor Gary’s Facebook Live Follow Up from Monday. If you have questions, please get them to us. We will respond as quickly as possible. Also, if you’d like to check out the Facebook Live video of this recording, please click HERE.
Making A Difference In A Corrosive Culture
In an ever-changing culture, feeling out of sync is expected. So, how should we respond and most effectively share Christ? Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Whole Hearted Living Followup
Every Monday, Pastor Gary does a Facebook Followup of his message. It’s an opportunity to answer any questions you may have, and dig deeper into the message. You can listen to that here, and email us any questions or comments you have. Just use the email button at the bottom of the screen. Or, you can watch the video and interact on Facebook – just CLICK HERE.
Whole Hearted Living
Do you love Him with your whole heart? Listen as Pastor Gary Craft shares the Litmus Test you can give yourself, to determine if you really do love God will all of your heart. It’s a challenging message, but it gets us closer to experiencing the fullness of Christ.
Achy Breaky Heart Followup
Every Monday, Pastor Gary does a Facebook Live followup to Sunday’s message. It’s your opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the topic. We take the audio from that Facebook Live and make it available here as well. So, if you have any questions, please contact us.
Wounds are inevitable. We all have them. But, how do you deal with them and eventually heal those wounds? Listen as Pastor Gary Craft talks about it.
Followup to Keep it Beating
In this followup, Pastor Gary Craft sits down in the JFM studios (top floor of the church) to discuss further the topic of a hard heart. It’s a chance to explain it a little differently and answer any questions you may have. It happens every Monday at noon on our Facebook page as well, just search LakeCityGville to find it. If you do have questions, please let us know by emailing us – just use the contact badge at the bottom of the page.
State of the Heart Pt. 2 Keep It Beating
The Bible talks alot about our “heart.” But, the heart it’s talking about isn’t the muscle in the middle of our chest that pumps blood. Rather, it’s talking about that control center in us that desires and decides, that’s disappointed or delighted. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains what having a hard heart really is and how to guard against it, so that we can experience the full life that Jesus died to give us.
Follow Up to Slip Sliding Away
Pastor Gary does a Facebook Live on Mondays at noon to discuss the message he delivered on Sunday. It’s a time to ask questions and gain a little more insight into what was preached. It’s on our Facebook page as a video and below as an audio clip. Enjoy! And, if you have any questions, please reach out to us.
Slip Sliding Away
Salvation is a process that begins with justification, progresses to sanctification, and then leads to glorification. You see, God loves us so much that He wants to share Himself with us in ever-increasing measure. Just as this process draws us closer to God, falling away from God is a gradual process that we have to guard ourselves against. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Denying Self Follow-Up
Each Monday around noon, Pastor Gary sits down for a Facebook Live in the 88.5 JFM Studios to discuss Sunday’s message. It’s an opportunity for viewers to ask questions and for him to get a little deeper into the topics he covered. You can find us on Facebook by clicking HERE. You can even ask any questions on the broadcasts that have already aired, and we will get back to you with an answer.
Denying Self
As we take time to honor our active and retired military srvice members and look forward to the future of our country, it’s important note the others-centered attitude that our soldiers have. And it is imperative that as Christians, we live an others-centered life. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Stand in Awe Follow Up
Here is Pastor Gary’s follow up podcast from the studios of 88.5 JFM (the radio station on the 2nd floor of the church). He does a Facebook live every week to follow up on his sermon from Sunday. Here is this week’s follow up. To see the video, please click HERE
Stand In Awe
Have you ever witnessed the mighty wonder of God’s hands? When we are awestruck by God’s creation, we shouldn’t be drawn to the creation, but rather the Creator. Knowing that our God is not only all-powerful, but that He loves us, brings us to a point of longing for Him. He truly cares and is able to affect our circumstances. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains that we should truly be in awe of our God!
What Does it Mean To Be An Epic Man?
It’s something every man aspires to be, epic – Rambo, Superman, a Lumberjack, Tim the Tool Man Taylor. But maybe we need to understand what being epic truly means. Listen, as Pastor Seth Henegar explains what it takes to be an Epic Man.
The Incorruptible Seed
Everything in this world obeys the law of seed time and havest, EVERYTHING. Guest speaker & founding Pastor of Lake City Assembly, Stan Broadus, shares with us the impact of the greatest seed, the incorruptible seed that is the Word of God. It will grow, against all odds. Listen now, as he explains.
Ignore the Roar
The Bible says that our enemy prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. But, as a believer, he has no power over you. Sometimes it’s not so easy to remember that. But, Nate Craft has an encouraging word for you. Listen below.
Follow Up Podcast on Power Tools
Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains more about his “Power Tools” message. This is also available on our Facebook Page (Live Video).
Our Impossible Starts Here: Power Tools
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are power tools to help us get the job done that God has for us here on this Earth. Listen as Pastor Gary explains why we should utilize these power tools.
Follow Up Podcast on Water From Another World
Each Monday, Pastor Gary does a Facebook Live to follow up on his message from the Sunday before. You can check out this powerful podcast by clicking below. And, as a reminder, our messages and podcasts are available on iTunes. Just search LakeCityGville.
Water From Another World
Water is one of the central elements of a civilization. Kingdoms are built around it and can rise and fall because of it. Pastor Gary explains in this message that making we sure we have the water from another world will guarantee us success, growth & experiencing the fullness of Christ. Check it out below.
Follow Up to “Under the Influence of the Holy Spirit”
Live Q&A with Pastor Gary Craft about Sunday’s Message.
Under the Influence of the Holy Spirit
Being under His influence is where we empty our cups and allow him to fill us completely. Sometimes it’s painful to cooperate with Him to get to that level. But, it’s so worth it. Your Impossible Starts Here!
Your Impossible Starts Here Follow Up
Pastor Gary gives a further explanation of the concepts from Sunday’s Message, “Your Impossible Starts Here.”
Your Impossible Starts Here
With God, nothing is impossible. If we rely on Him and align ourselves with His purpose, we can truly experience His fullness. One way of doing this is by being a church of prayer! Listen as Pastor Gary Craft shares these life-changing truths.
You Can Make A Difference
Over the course of the past 3 weeks, Pastor has shared 4 principles that are integral to our church. This week, he shares the 4th – you can make a difference. Listen as he explains how we can truly make a difference in the world around us.
Missions Sunday
Here at Lake City, we believe in the Great Commission – going unto all the world to preach the Gospel. One of the ways we do that here is by giving to missions. There are a number of missionaries that we support both within our country and across the world. Philip Cameron, founder of The Oprhans Hands shares with us the many things that he has encountered as a missionary. For more info about his ministry, please click HERE.
Growing in Faith Follow Up
Pastor Gary gives a further explanation of the concepts from Sunday’s Message, “Growing in Faith.”
Growing in Faith
What does it truly mean to grow in faith? It entails a lot of things that you may not have thought about. Pastor Gary explains that a healthy believer is always growing, and maturing enough to bear fruit. Then, the pruning happens… ouch!!! But, it’s the pruning that causes us to bear more fruit. Listen as he dives into this topic.
The Fellow-Ship Follow Up
Pastor Gary Craft follows up on The Fellow-Ship with Facebook Live viewers. It’s also an opportunity for him to further his teaching from Sunday and answer questions about it. Here is the audio from the FB Live.
The Fellow-Ship
As believers in Christ, we are all going to the same place, on the same mission 0 much like an aircraft carrier. The fellow ship is a love boat, because it provides demonstrations of God’s love. It is a lifeboat, because it provides shoulders to lean on and ears to listen. And, the fellow ship is an aircraft carrier, because it provides partners to launch us. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Jesus, Alive
Through Jesus death, burial and resurrection, we have the hope of an abundant life – not just here on the earth, but even after we are done here. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft delivers this life-changing Easter message.
The Praise Parade
Do we really know how to celebrate? What if what we received after years of waiting wasn’t packaged and delivered just like we wanted it? Would we tuly celebrate it then? Let Pastor Gary Craft expound on this idea in this message. If you’d like to contact us, please reach us by phone or email. You can find that info at the bottom of the page.
Heart Conditioning
Even when Christ was on the Earth, many religious leaders of the day, and even the ones in the crowd who were receiving miracles from Christ’s hands, didn’t recognize who Christ really was – the Son of God in human form. He didn’t come packaged like they thought He would be, so they missed the gravity of His appearance & their visitation. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains that in order to realize the FULLNESS OF CHRIST, we must keep our hearts conditioned to be sensitive to the voice and works of God, through prayer.
Following Jesus
Did you know that you can’t fully follow Jesus from a distance? Yes, it has its risks, but the benefits are worth them all. Let Pastor Gary Craft explain.
Don’t Lose Your Why
Jesus is our “why”- our root motivation for every thing we do. Fruit comes from the root- when we connect to Jesus through relationship, we produce fruit. But Jesus has to be an all-consuming motivation, our “why”; not what he does for us but what He is.
Dead Men Talking
Chances are that you have regrets in your life from missed opportunities in your past. But, did you know that as Christians, we have been called to live with no regrets. Listen as Youth Pastor Seth Henegar shares that you might have regrets, but each day is a clean slate.
Is love love? What does today’s culture believe about love? What is true love? Listen as Pastor Gary Craft dives into this topic.
The Image of God – A Sacred Trust
In this message by Pastor Gary Craft, he points out what the Bible has to say about life, and what it really means to be made in the image of God.
Moms, Pops & Spiritual Orphans
You know, the great commission doesn’t say to go unto all the world and make converts. It says to go unto all the world and make disciples. You can look at this as spiritual parenting. It is imperative that we share our faith with others and help them grow in the faith. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains.
Fire on the Altar
It seems that the gap between generations has left a spiritual void. Watch as Pastor Gary Craft and his son, Nate Craft explain that there is so much to be gained and so much yet to be done.
Leaving a Legacy
Here at Lake City, we recognize that our family members that are 65 and older helped make what we have today possible. They developed the work ethic, tenacity and stick-to-itiveness that made America a great nation. We need that generation (who we are calling the “Great Generation,”) to build a bridge to the younger generation (who we are calling the “Google Generation.”) to share their knowledge and wisdom with them. There is so much to be learned and understood from the experience that the Great Generation possesses. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft, and Youth Pastor Seth Henegar explain.
The Voice
It is imperative that we listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Listen, as Pastor Gary Craft dives into this topic.
Oh Taste and See
God gave us the wonderful ability to taste. It helps us experience something. It can even help set our cravings. What are you craving today? Join Pastor Gary Craft as he explores that question.
Unload, Reload, Focus
As we are beginning a new year, we have to resolve to focus on doing the things that make us better. To do that, we need to unload some things, reload some good things into our lives and really focus on the task at hand. Join Pastor Gary Craft as he explains.
Will the Real Santa Claus Please Stand Up?
Jesus is the fulfillment of everything we hold near and dear about Christmas and about the person of Santa Claus. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains the historical origins of Santa Claus and uses this Christmas Character to express our need for a Savior – Jesus Christ.
Frosty the Snowman is a story that is easily paralleled to our spiritual life. Click below to find out how.
The Rudolph Life
You are called to be unique, and sometimes people don’t like that. Let Youth Pastor Seth Henegar explain to you, through the character of a Christmas story, how your uniqueness is valuable.
Gratitude should be a huge part of our lives. Listen as Pastor Gary Craft shares a Biblical perspective on this topic:
Have you ever been blind-sided? I mean, you didn’t see it coming, but when it hit you, it hurt. Pastor Gary Craft has some insight on that very topic. Check it out below:
In the 4th installment of the series, Mountains Still Move, Pastor Gary Craft explains how chains of addiction and other bondage tangle us up. But, more importantly, he explains that you can have an encounter with the Savior, and he can deliver you from every chain! Listen by clicking below.
Is healing for today? YES! Listen as Pastor Gary Craft talks more about sickness and healing.
We all have mountains in our lives that need to be moved. Sometimes, those mountains include problems in our finances. Hear Pastor Gary Craft talk about it below:
Join Pastor Gary Craft as he begins his 4 part series titled, “Mountains Still Move.”
Join our special guest, Missionary Gary Sapp, as he preaches on the widow and the oil, and how it applies to our lives today.
Happily Ever After
Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains that every story can have a happy ending.
We all encounter a fork (really many forks) in the road during out journey. In this third message in the This is My Story series, Pastor Gary Craft explains that the decisions we make determine which direction we will go. Check out the message below.
Though your story may have twists and turns, God always has a way to get you back on track. Pastor Gary Craft explains in this 2nd installment of the teaching series, This is My Story.
Listen as Pastor Gary Craft explains that Your Story Matters to God. Every story has its ups and downs, but did you know that as Christians, Christ filters those crises that we face? He even tells us that we, “…will have tribulations, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
Teen Challenge ministered during our Labor Day Weekend Sunday Service. Check out the testimonies from these men who have put their trust in Christ to turn their lives around.
Unity is Key
In today’s world there are so many causes that people can unite for. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s for the wrong reasons, like HATE. But, Pastor Gary Craft explains that we were created to gather together as a team that is guided by Jesus. Check out the message below for more. You’ll be glad you did!
Love is so Powerful
Have you ever thought about the love Christ has for us? Are we displaying His love to others? Join Wolf Winegard as he challenges us to answer these questions.
Difference Maker
Did you know that you were designed to make a difference. Dive in with Pastor Gary as he explains this statement.
Bigger Than Life
Have you ever wondered what Heaven will be like? Have you ever thought that you might just be some disembodied spirit sitting on a cloud, playing a harp forever? Join Pastor Gary as he explains that this life is only the beginning of our eternal purpose, and Heaven is not a boring place.
Commitment and Contribution
Have you ever really understood the difference between the two? Listen as our Youth Pastor, Seth Henegar talks about the difference and what it means to be SOLD OUT.
Every Earthly Opportunity Has an Expiration Date
Join Pastor Gary Craft as he explains that though everything on this earth has an expiration date, if you are breathing, you have an opportunity.
I Hear the Sound of an Abundance of Rain
Join Nate Craft as he shares his experience from the mission field in Peru and relates it to the Prophet Elijah and our everyday lives.
Pastor Gary Craft
Easter Sunday, the day that changed everything. Listen to our Easter Sunday sermon below.