Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

A lifestyle that brings abundance is based on dependence on Christ. A dependence for what? Our daily bread. But, that means so much more than just food. Pastor Gary Craft explains. If you’d like to respond to the message or reach us for any reason, please follow this link:

Your Will Be Done

Most of us have wrestled with God’s will at some point in our lives. And, what exactly is His perfect will, anyway? Pastor Gary Craft explains in today’s message. If you’d like to reach out to respond to the message, or for any other reason, please follow this link:

Your Kingdom Come

The Lord’s Prayer contains some very valuable concepts that Jesus wants us to know. In this message, we break down the thought of “Your Kingdom Come.” What should that mean to us today? Pastor Gary Craft explains. If you’d like to respond to today’s message or reach us for any reason, please follow this link:[…]

Hallowed Be Your Name

The Lord’s Prayer is a blueprint for life in so many ways. It speaks first about how we are supposed to communicate with God. We’ve learned that we are to see Him as our Father. But, the next line contains the word “hallowed.” What does it mean? Pastor Gary Craft explains how the meaning of[…]

Bruce Headley

Today, Guest Speaker Bruce Headly with Convoy of Hope speaks about the importance of having a vision, and bolsters that message with wonderful stories of what his organization has done by following theirs. We pray you are touched by today’s message. If you’d like to reach out to us for any reason, please follow this[…]

Who’s Your Daddy?

Relationship plays an important role in how we interact with people. For example, if you’re talking to your boss, you’re likely not going to talk as freely as you would if you were talking to your friend. Pastor Gary Craft points out how our relationship with God affects the way we talk with Him. We[…]

Riding The Coming Wave, PT. 4

Life is full of pain. In fact, it’s one of our greatest teachers. But, the only problem with pain is that… it hurts. So, how do you deal with it? That’s what Pastor Gary Craft is talking about today on this 4th installment of his sermon series, Riding the Coming Wave. If you’d like to[…]

Riding the Coming Wave, Pt. 3

If you look at life as the open sea, and all of your circumstances and situations as the sea’s ebb and flow, sending crashing waves to shore, your ability to surf sure comes in handy. So, to help you surf the waves of life, Pastor Gary Craft has a few tips. And, this week’s tip[…]

Next Level

What does it take to reach the next level? That’s an open-ended question, right? It kinda depends on what you’re wanting to excel in. But what’s fundamenally true, no matter the platform, is being free to move forward. But, we weigh ourselves down so often with things we should let go of. That’s what Pastor[…]

Riding The Coming Wave, Pt. 1

For surfers, there’s no greater rush than riding a wave. The higher & bigger, the better. Comparatively, life has its fair share of waves that rise and fall, some good, some bad. The problem is, we’re not all surfers. But, there are a few tips and tricks on how to ride the waves well. Pastor[…]