Sun. 10:30am / Wed. 6:30pm / Prayer Thurs. 6pm

Relationship Keys, Pt. 2

When we are convicted by the Spirit that we’re sinners and we’re convinced we need a savior, and we discover that Jesus is that savior that we need, a response is required. Pastor Gary asks what kind of response Jesus desires and deserves from us.

Relationship Keys, Pt. 1

If you were tested by the loving standard the Bible sets for us, would you be proud of your grade? Listen as Pastor Gary shares prinicples about the way that Jesus loves. If we can repeat his example, we can all be proud of our grade!

Between the Moments

Life is great on the mountaintops, but there’s a valley between them of just plain, basic, ordinary life. Pastor explains that between those moments, we’ve got a lot of living and walking in faith and claiming the promises and being faithful and consistent in pursuing God to do.