Sun. 10:30am / Wed. 6:30pm / Prayer Thurs. 6pm

Jonah – The Cause

The people of Nineveh were faced with a choice to continue on the path they were on, or relent, repent, and get on a better path. They chose to have an awkening. Is that possible for our nation today? Pastor Gary Craft asks that question, and explains what it will take to answer it. If[…]

Johnny Jernigan

Special guest, Evangelist Johnny Jernigan, speaks today about winning. His charismatic storytelling & use of illustration helps drive the point home to help you realize how to be a winner. If you’d like to reach out for any reason – to respond to the message, ask for prayer, or learn more about our church –[…]

Jonah – People

Every single person is a treasure in God’s eyes. We don’t deserve that distinction, but He chooses to see us that way. However, we don’t always see other people as the treasure that God sees. This is where Pastor Gary Craft picks up the story of Jonah today. We pray that God touches your heart[…]

Jonah – Change

This Bible Story is packed with rebellion, suspense, & second chances. Pastor Gary Craft picks it apart, piece-by-piece, in today’s message, so we can understand it just a little better. We pray that God uses this message to touch your life today in a mighty way. If you’d like to respond to the message, ask[…]

The Greatest Gifts Of All – Freedom

Without the freedom that Christ gives, we live life in bondage, like slaves. But, He doesn’t want us living like that. Pastor Gary Craft explains in today’s message. If you’d like to respond to the message, ask for prayer, or reach us for any other reason, please follow this link:


Gratitude can greatly impact your attitude. As cliche` as that sounds, it’s actually true. Pastor Gary Craft explains this fact today, using stories from King David’s life to illustrate how his gratitude pleased God – so well infact, that God chose to honor him forever. If you’d like to respond the the message, reach out[…]

House of Wholeness

We really do have an enemy. And, this enemy knows how to jerk on your wounds, he knows how to keep them open, and keem them fresh, and keep them painful, and keep you bleeding. But the good news is, Jesus is the prince of peace. Jesus has won the war. Pastor Gary Craft talks[…]

House of Sacrifice

Sacrifice sounds kind of morbid and joyless, but Jesus said this is the way to true life. What does sacrifice look like? Pastor Gary Craft explains in today’s message. If you’d like to respond to the message, ask for prayer, or reach us for any other reason, please follow this link:

A House Of Prayer

As a Christian, you are God’s house. And, God expects His house to be identifiable by certain characterstics. One of those is prayer. It’s not just folding your hands, closing your eyes, and kneeling in prayer. It is constant interaction with the Father. Pastor Gary Craft explains just how important it should be in our[…]

Levels Affect Levels

Levels affect levels. For example, the level of your success is dependent upon the level of your commitment. Rick Dubose explains how sometimes the level that needs the work is simply not the level we prefer to work on. But, we can fix that. If you’d like to respond to the message, or reach us for[…]