Passive No More

Prayer is so important. But, it should lead to action. In today’s message, Pastor Gary Craft talks about the importance of pushing through passivity in our lives. If you’d like to respond to the message, or reach out to us for any reason, please use this link:

40 Years Strong, Into God’s Next

Today, we celebrate 40 years of ministry, serving out community right here in Guntersville, AL. We take a look at the past & prepare for an amazing future. Guest Speaker Ken Draughon brings the message about God’s next. Be blessed by this inspired message.


What does transformation really look like? We invited Shirley Chupp, Executive Director of Marshall County Homeless Ministries, to come and talk to us about the transformation she sees in lives every day. She explains that true, lasting transformation can only happen when Jesus is involved. If you’d like to reach out to us or Shirley,[…]

New Mission

A weekend training course designed to equip believers to pursue avenues of service and impact according to their special interest and abilities. This training includes a spiritual-gifts inventory, the process of discipleship, current trends and concerns in reaching out to our culture, and more.

New Encounter

New Encounter is a weekend getaway for spiritual transformation, designed to assist believers with unloading excess baggage from their past and connecting them to the healing power source for their lives. Food, lodging and study materials are included in the tuition price. (Offered once per year or as need demands; tuition subject to vary depending[…]

New Connections

  New Connections meetings are three 45 minute conversations on consecutive Sunday mornings at 9:30. These conversations focus on the “DNA” of our fellowship and how one can connect with the opportunities to live out a vital faith in a real world with us. These discussions cover the basic beliefs, organization, and ministry opportunities of[…]