That the Bible is the inspired word of the One true God; that Jesus is God-in-the -flesh; that man was cut off from God’s life by sin & needed a savior to recover; that Jesus lived & died to reconnect us; and that happens when we trust what he did to be effective for us, surrendering to Him as our Lord & Savior. We believe that we can personally experience the increasing fullness of God in our lives as we submit to His lordship & accept the empowerment of His Spirit promised to all who believe & receive; that the power of God’s Spirit makes supernatural abilities & miracles available to believers today; That we are responsible to share the good news of salvation and will give an account for the life lived on this earth- with eternal punishment awaiting those who refuse Christ & eternal fulfillment awaiting those who follow Him. We believe baptism is the public declaration commanded by Christ of a spiritual conversion, and holy communion is every believers privilege.