LC Kids Elementary

We use KidCheck to check your child into our classes. Please click the logo below to register. It’s free!

Our Commitment to You & Your Child

To provide a loving, secure environment for your childā€™s care & learningā€¦ā€¦ā€¦
-With prayerful personal attention from pre-screened experienced teachers
-With wholesome age-appropriate activities, toys &Ā Ā furniture (sanitized regularly)
-With thorough security check-in/check- out measures

What to Expect- LCKidsĀ Elementary Check-in
A Warm Welcome
As you and your child arrive at our check-in, you will be greeted by a member of our Lake City Kids Check-In team. You will receive a numbered label for your child that will match the label on their back.Ā Please alert check-in personnel of any information that will help in caring for your child, such as allergies or special needs. Please informĀ LC Students volunteers of any specific instructions you may have for your child. If we need you for any reason, during the service, we will page you using the number that corresponds to the one on your security tag. This number will be displayed in the bottom corner of the large screen inside the main auditorium and theater. Or we can text your cell phone if you will leave us your number.

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